Signs of spring

I was out in the neighbourhood early yesterday morning. There has been some heavy things going on at home. I find spring walks always help me clear my mind and chase the blues away. I thought I would make a note of the fruit trees so I can go back and raid them to make some homemade goodies. I Spotted cherry blossoms. So I will be making cherry pies this summer


After lunch I took the children to the park. It was a lovely sunny day.







These are apple blossoms. They are so pretty and pink. Last autumn the children and I raided this tree. It remains a mystery to me why the neighbourhood children just walk past. I did apple butter and an apple and blackberry crumble  I even made an apple pie. It is such an achievment for me to be able to teach my children how to make things from scratch. Growing up in the caribbean I loved it , climbing trees was a particular favourite past time of mine. Out in nature feeling the sunshine on your face I could spend hours on end just doing that.

Spring is a great time  to brush away the darkness and cobwebs of the winter past to celebrate new beginnings ,rebirth and start again .

Is Easter A Pagan Holiday

Is Easter A Pagan Holiday?

This is the question we pondered on . In my home-school this year I have decided to look into the origins of so called "holy days".  I think it’s important to explain to my children what it is they are seeing around them. In the shop windows and at friends and family's homes,on television and in public buildings. There is just no escaping it and explaining to them from The Bible what we believe as a family.


I will be putting up seasonal decorations to help them visualise the seasons . I’ve been teaching the little ones  how to use a calendar and so have been looking at the days of the week and months of the year too.

Some of the buzz words we came across in our Easter /Lent research were Nimrod,Tamuz, Semaramis  as they are known in Ancient Babylon.


In the rise and fall of each civilisation, it would appear that the conquerors adopted various aspects of the previous religion and rebranded them.

As a child I went to sunrise services and had Easter ham I went to church at midday on ash Wednesday  to have my parish priest put a cross of ash on my forehead. For that period of Lent I saw people say they were going to abstain from a certain thing but neglected the very weighty things and ironically went back to doing it sometimes the very next day not even the full forty days. That always puzzled me as a child.I'm so glad of our decision to find a bible believing church.The truth is that the forty days of Lent, eggs, rabbits, hot cross buns and the Easter ham have everything to do with the ancient pagan religion of Mystery Babylon.


What is the ONE thing that God has called ALL of his people (Jew and Gentile) to observe?


1 Corinthians 11:24-26 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.

The only "observance" we're told to do is remembering the Lord through bread and wine for his awe-inspiring ransom he paid in full for our sins. This is the only observance we are given in the new testament scripture apart from keeping the 10 commandment law including  the Sabbath


The following video is one I shared with my children not sure about the religious convictions of the presenter but his delivery of the main facts were short and easy for my kids to understand



We planted flowers  that we learned about that can be seen all around England. We did some arts and crafts  from this free website on this seasonal theme Easter and Spring

spring themed art

Book List

Hello Peter!       Peter Rabbit touch and feel.       Touch and count with Peter Rabbit

Hot Cross Bunny      Ferdies Springtime blossom

Guess how much I love you in the Spring?        Signs of Spring


"The Secret Garden " by Frances Hodgson Burnett

children spring book list

"Alice in Wonderland " by Lewis Caroll








The Following video I prepared for you with the high lights of this Spring season

May God bless you as make your home a place where angels can dwell.