Top Ten Must Haves in The Home with Children


The most important to have with children are step stools. My little girls and even my baby boy loves to help out in the kitchen alot,preparing meals. It builds their confidence in counting and measuring amounts in baking and following instructions from recipes and is quality time spent.



Having a good camera is also a must. I  can’t believe I have a twelve year old. Where does the time go honestly I could not tell you. Childhood is such a short time, i dont want to miss a minute of it and there are so many options out there to suit any pocket.


Guess who is hello kitty?


An absolute must have around the home and out on the go are baby wipes. They are great for sticky fingers,runny noses smelly bums.They are life savers never leave home without them. I keep them upstairs downstairs in the car in my hand bag,you just never know when a situation will arise that requires a wipe



This year i have forfeited my anual retreats and campmeetings so we could afford a second dryer to keep up with the laundry a family of Six generates daily. Especially when you choose to clith diaper. My dryers are called Bertha 1 and Bertha 2



Children are messy creatures by nature. Its a great investment. I cannot afford one right now but that is definately on my wishlist.


Children with pencils and crayons just accept that they will make mistakes. I reccomend having satin or glossy finishes on paint and avoid at all costs matt as this will be difficult to clean. Yo will have to repaint to refresshen your walls frequently. Wooden furniture I feel is easier than plastic or glass furniture to clean


These are cheap ,readily available and so many colours to choose from. They get dropped alot and accidents do happen. If they were real they would pose a health and safety hazard



Toys come in all shapes and sizes and as your collection grows i think its important to keep them contained.Toys can tend to creep into ALL rooms of your house and can cause injuries. Children can be overwhelmed with too many. So I try to declutter and pare them down to what can fit into three toy boxes. I try to rotate them to keep it fresh for them. I also keep one in my class room for all the educational toys.



When you have little ones who are newly potty trained,they aren’t quite able to judge how much they need to get the job done. For this its important to keep some extra stocked up in case of emergency

More importantly it is essential to have a sense of humour and the ability to lower your standards and be more flexible. There will be days things font go according to the plan you had envisioned and be able ti move on to a plan b.

Heavenly Hot Chocolate

I’m currently on bedrest  strict doctors orders, but I decided to instruct my eldest daughter to make this wonderful, hot beverage. I hope you enjoy.


1/2 c brown sugar
2 tsp sea salt
1 c cocoa(drinking chocolate)
1 c belgian chocolate chips
450ml milk
1 1/2 c hot water
1 tsp vanilla essence

(Whip cream/marshmallows/ground cinamon) optional


Place hot water in a pot.


Add sugar, salt,cocoa and stir.


Add chocolate chips and whisk till melted.


Add milk boil for 5mins. Whisking gently


remove from heat then add essence.


Pour into cups add whipped cream and sprinkle ground cinnamon




Signs of spring

I was out in the neighbourhood early yesterday morning. There has been some heavy things going on at home. I find spring walks always help me clear my mind and chase the blues away. I thought I would make a note of the fruit trees so I can go back and raid them to make some homemade goodies. I Spotted cherry blossoms. So I will be making cherry pies this summer


After lunch I took the children to the park. It was a lovely sunny day.







These are apple blossoms. They are so pretty and pink. Last autumn the children and I raided this tree. It remains a mystery to me why the neighbourhood children just walk past. I did apple butter and an apple and blackberry crumble  I even made an apple pie. It is such an achievment for me to be able to teach my children how to make things from scratch. Growing up in the caribbean I loved it , climbing trees was a particular favourite past time of mine. Out in nature feeling the sunshine on your face I could spend hours on end just doing that.

Spring is a great time  to brush away the darkness and cobwebs of the winter past to celebrate new beginnings ,rebirth and start again .

Finger Coils

Finger Coils

The most easy hair style to do on adult or a childs hair is finger coils. If you are new to Afro Hair Care  experiment with this on your natural hair or your child's. It is a quick protective style that stops the hair from tangling and not to mention how cute this can be on a little girl. All you need to do is accessorize.


Pros- Quicker to install than single plaits or two strand twist

        -No need to part with precision in fact you can free style  where to place each coil

        – Great hair style if you have a  TWA(Teeny Weeny Afro) or short hair


What You will Need

Butterfly Clips

Water based Spritz

A cream- Shea Butter

An oil- Castor oil

Snacks and a DVD

Nature as A Lesson Book

 Let her take time to make the dear Saviour a

 daily companion and familiar friend. Let her take time for the study of His Word, take time to

 go with the children into the fields and learn of God through the beauty of His works.

(Child Guidance 73.4 Ellen G. White)



Just thought I would share a little sneak peak
 into our homeschool. It's a nature walk.
 What better way to learn about who our God is using nature like a lesson book.


The children got up close and personal.We looked at butterflies,lady bugs,birds,grass hoppers ,flowers and they got to spend quality  time with their uncle, my brother who stayed part of this summer holiday with us helping with the decorating.


So enjoy, making your home a place where
angels can dwell.

Originally posted on our sister blog site 2nd August 2011

Food Themed Unit Study

I had this crazy idea of splitting our learning into themes and catergories.
I thought I would share with you our first unit study on Food. I captured the footage for you all on my youtube channel.

Here I used real food and playfood. We looked at the five food groups in England. Where does food come from, healthy eating, what does the bible say about food. We created shopping lists and went shopping.

We read stories that had a food theme
We played sorting games,food printing . We even planted things . I tried to incoporate it into all the subjects  ie Math,Art,English

Part 1 Homeschool:Food Unit Studes

Part 2 Homeschool: Food Unit Studies 2

We read 3 titles which were centred around birthday cakes .We decided we’d make our own birthday cake.


Here are a few choice photos from our exploits




I hope you have found these videos useful. If you have questions or requests feel free to ask.

Traditional Full English Breakfast-birthday vegetarian feast

Vegetarian healthy full english breakfast

Its been six years since my  husband and I decided to become vegetarians.  Being British born my husband was exposed to and often indulged in what is termed as a full English Breakfast. SO for his birthday I decided  to make him a veggie version with no horsemeat(lol) .

To replace the scrambed eggs I substituted it with tofu which I purchased from Nutri Centre. I used nutritional yeast flakes to give it flavour and tumeric to make it yellow and seasoned with an msg free seasoning from Cosco.
The sausages are soya based and I grilled them in the oven along with the tomato halves and the hash browns. The plantain I fried  and the baked beans I heated on the stove top. Now the piece des resistance was the steak or burger. I made that from scratch using regular oats .


8 c water
1/4c olive oil
1/4 c Nutritional Yeast flakes
1 c Soy sauce
1 tbsp Garlic Salt
3tbsp Onion powder
Italian seasoning
8 c Quick porridge oats

Mix all liquid ingredients in a pot then add all the dry ingredients then stir in the oats. Let it boil. Reduce the heat then spoon the mixture onto a greased baking sheet form individual round patties. Then place them in the oven at 350 degrees for 15 mins then flip them over and bake for another 15 mins. They can be frozen to be used later.

I found an awesome recipe on the bbc food website for his favourite carrot cake. He loved it





For my husband’s birthday dinner I lightly fried just to seal the bream fish then baked until golden and crispy. I used some of that oatburger again at dinner. I  did corn on cob, roast meditteranean vegetables on a bed of basmati rice, new potatoes ,asparagus with avocado and tomato salad. It was a feast.



To add a touch of spring I did a nice spring bouquet of fresh flowers


First  I sliced lemons and limes thinly  then added the plant food  to water->



Then I prepared my fresh flowers by cutting off excess foliage and cutting the stems dioganal



Then arranged in the vase

Spring floral arrangement

I hope you are enjoying your family and your home this Spring season. May God bless you as you
make you’re home a place where angels can dwell.

Valentines Day

In our homeschool we examine the origins of holidays and special days in regard to both the public calendar and the religious calendar. I would set apart a portion of the lesson to discuss the significance of the day and if possible incorporate itinto our set objectives for each child . Here is a rough lesson plan that I traditionally follow

Lesson: Valentines Day

Objective:  Examining the Pagan origins of Valentine’s Day and How it relates to modern day and what is the Christian Perspective

Materials: Construction paper, arts and craft supplies, calendar, youtube clips,Bible , valentines pintables


All Children wear redChildren wearing red valentines day theme


Show a visual picture and get students to brainstorm what else is included in the valentines celebration

Read 1 Corinthians 13 discuss what real love is



Watch this clip on the history of Valentines

Do Word mines,cross words  and colouring pages

Valentines Day Activity

Do Valentines Cards

Valentines Day Cards

This year I did not take any photos or video but here is a video clip from 2012